Thu. Apr 18th, 2024

Dive deep and shallow into can’t-miss interviews with the world’s largest stars throughout Andy Cohen’s all-new SiriusXM podcast: Andy Cohen’s Deep & Shallow Podcast.

Throughout every weekly episode, Andy will sit down with a celeb visitor, dangle with actor John Hill, and listen in on belongings you’re not supposed to listen to. Plus, be a part of Andy’s unfiltered kiki-spanning household and buddies as they focus on courting, actuality TV, information, and popular culture. From excessive to low, deep and shallow, this podcast covers all of it. The podcast is your free style of the enjoyable they’re having on Andy’s SiriusXM channel — Radio Andy (Ch. 102) — each day.

Take heed to the primary episode that includes particular visitor Adam Brody on the SXM App now or wherever you get your podcasts. Upcoming episodes of Andy Cohen’s Deep & Shallow Podcast will drop each Thursday.

About Episode 1:

Adam Brody is in studio and we chat about appearing with Leighton, Propecia’s unwanted effects, ‘Shazam! Fury of the Gods,’ and the way he bought so ripped for the film. However first, it’s a kiki with my co-host John Hill concerning the John Mayer live performance and extra particularly, can I groom John Mayer to be my lover?

Try extra details about Radio Andy right here.

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By Admin

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