Apple TV Plus has launched its first trailer for Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, a 10-episode collection based mostly on Legendary’s Monsterverse franchise that options iconic kaiju-like Godzilla, King Kong, and King Ghidorah. The primary two episodes will likely be launched globally to the streaming platform on November seventeenth, adopted by a single episode every week till January twelfth.
The trailer itself doesn’t give a lot away relating to what else we are able to anticipate. There are a couple of snippets of Invoice Randa (performed by John Goodman) who featured in Kong: Cranium Island (2017), flashes of varied big beasties, and naturally, an ominous soundscape underpinning pictures of all the fantastic destruction they’ve doubtless induced. If, like me, you’re a Monsterverse fan since you simply love watching big creatures battling like apocalyptic pokémon, then it’s trying fairly promising up to now.